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We are committed to dismantling barriers that hinder access to higher education, firmly believing that every student deserves the opportunity to attend America’s best colleges. Centering our guidance around our ACE Core Curriculum©,  we provide a holistic, data-driven approach to assist our scholars in decoding confusing deadlines, strategically selecting the classes colleges expect, and crafting powerful essays that will position our scholars to get accepted to America's most prestigious institutions.

In the constantly changing field of college admissions, we work to demystify and simplify the college preparatory process by providing each member with leading resources and personalized guidance that will give them a competitive advantage.

Our Features

To aid in demystifying the college admissions process, each of our scholars are provided with the following tools:

Other Services

In addition to monthly workshops led by our counselors with over 10 years of experience in admissions and financial aid, our scholars benefit from a multifaceted approach to college planning:

Personalized College

Essay Writing

College Visits
and Tours

Financial Aid &  
Scholarship Assistance




College Fairs and
Information Sessions

ACT Test

Our Results

Our wrap-around approach enables a more comprehensive evaluation, allowing students to showcase their unique strengths and potential beyond just test scores or grades. By valuing diverse experiences and achievements, Arkansas Commitment increases opportunities for underrepresented students to gain admission to college. Click the link below to learn more about our impact and outcomes.

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